[Tutorial] Blitzcrank Poro King, Recommended Items | Masteries | Runes | Summoner Spells | Ability - (Mode Poro)

Champion Info (Blitzcrank lane poro )

Blitzcrank Blitzcrank Stats

Attack: 61.54

Defense: 8

Magic: 5

Difficulty: 4

Health: 582.6

Move Speed: 325

Armor: 40

Range: 125

Health Regen: 8.5

Critical Strike: 0

Attack Speed: 0.625


the Great Steam Golem

Tank Tank Fighter Fighter

Blitzcrank poro lane


  • Tier: S
  • Win: 48.17%
  • Pick: 10.74%
  • Games: 44981
  • KDA: 3.10
  • Score: 54.78

Blitzcrank is an enormous, near-indestructible automaton from Zaun, originally built to dispose of hazardous waste. However, he found this primary purpose too restricting, and modified his own form to better serve the fragile people of the Sump. Blitzcrank selflessly uses his strength and durability to protect others, extending a helpful metal fist or burst of energy to subdue any troublemakers.

Blitzcrank Tips (Ally)

  • The 1-2-3 combo of Rocket Grab, Power Fist, and Static Field can devastate an individual opponent.
  • Using Blitzcrank's grab to pull an enemy into your tower range followed by a Power Fist will allow the tower to get several hits on them.

Blitzcrank Tips (Enemy)

  • Blitzcrank's passive Mana Barrier grants him a shield when he is low on health.
  • Staying behind creeps can prevent you from being Rocket Grabbed. Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab only pulls the first enemy target it encounters.

Summoner Spells

To the King! To the King!

Consumable: 0

Cooldown: 10

Range: 200

Quickly travel to the Poro King's side.

Poro Toss Poro Toss

Consumable: 0

Cooldown: 20

Range: 2500

Toss a Poro at your enemies. If it hits, you can quickly travel to your target as a follow up.

Blitzcrank Masteries

After immobilizing an enemy champion, increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 35 + 80% of your Bonus Resists for 2.5s. Then explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Damage: 25 - 120 (+8% of your bonus health)
Cooldown: 20s

Resistance bonus from Aftershock capped at: 80-150 (based on level)
Charge up a powerful attack against a tower over 3s, while within 600 range of it. The charged attack deals 100 (+35% of your max health) bonus physical damage.

Cooldown: 45s
After 10 min gain +9 Armor and +9 Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 5%.
Absorb life essence from monsters or enemy minions that die near you, permanently gaining 3 maximum health for every 8.

When you've absorbed 120 monsters or enemy minions, gain an additional 3.5% maximum health.
Cosmic Insight
+5% CDR
+5% Max CDR
+5% Summoner Spell CDR
+5% Item CDR
Biscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery: Gain a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will every 2 mins, until 6 min.

Biscuits restore 10% of your missing health and mana. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your mana cap by 50.

Manaless: Champions without mana restore 12% missing health instead.
+9 Adaptive Force
+9 Adaptive Force
+15-90 Health (based on level)

Blitzcrank Starting Items (PROBUILD)

Health Potion Health Potion

BUY: 50

SELL: 20

Limited to 5 at one time. Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.

Click to Consume: Restores 150 Health over 15 seconds.

Blitzcrank Recommended Items (PROBUILD)

Rod of Ages (Quick Charge) Rod of Ages (Quick Charge)

BUY: 2600

SELL: 1820

+300 Health
+300 Mana
+60 Ability Power

Passive: Grants +20 Health, +10 Mana, and +4 Ability Power per stack (max +200 Health, +100 Mana, and +40 Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per 40 seconds (max 10 stacks).
UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: 15% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores 20% of the cost as Health, up to 25 per spell cast.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Ionian Boots of Lucidity

BUY: 900

SELL: 630

Limited to 1 pair of boots.

UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Reduces Summoner Spell cooldowns by 10%

''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.''
Luden's Echo Luden's Echo

BUY: 3200

SELL: 2240

+90 Ability Power
+600 Mana
+10% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal 100 (+10% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit.
Lich Bane Lich Bane

BUY: 3200

SELL: 2240

+80 Ability Power
+7% Movement Speed
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+250 Mana

UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals 75% Base Attack Damage (+50% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (1.5 second cooldown).
Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap

BUY: 3600

SELL: 2520

+120 Ability Power

UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by 40%.
Void Staff Void Staff

BUY: 2650

SELL: 1855

+70 Ability Power

UNIQUE Passive - Dissolve: +40% Magic Penetration.
Super Spicy Snax Super Spicy Snax

BUY: 0


Active - Feed The King: The King breathes fire for 4 seconds, dealing 705-1479 true damage over the duration to enemies caught in the cone. Deals up to 560 true damage to Turrets. (120s cooldown)
Elixir of Sorcery Elixir of Sorcery

BUY: 500

SELL: 200

Level 9 required to purchase.

Click to Consume: Grants +50 Ability Power, 15 bonus Mana Regen per 5 seconds and Sorcery for 3 minutes.

Sorcery: Damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus True Damage. This effect has a 5 second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.

(Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)

Blitzcrank Active Abilities


When Blitzcrank's life is brought below 20% health, he activates Mana Barrier. This creates a mana shield equal to 30% of his mana for 10 seconds. Mana Barrier can only occur once every 90 seconds.

Rocket Grab Rocket Grab

Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16

Consumable: 100

Range: 1079

Blitzcrank fires his right hand to grab an opponent on its path, dealing damage and dragging it back to him.

Overdrive Overdrive

Cooldown: 15

Consumable: 75

Range: 1

Blitzcrank super charges himself to get dramatically increased Movement and Attack Speed. He is temporarily slowed after the effect ends.

Power Fist Power Fist

Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5

Consumable: 25

Range: 300

Blitzcrank charges up his fist to make his next attack deal double damage and pop his target up in the air.

Static Field Static Field

Cooldown: 60/40/20

Consumable: 100

Range: 600

Enemies attacked by Blitzcrank are marked and take lightning damage after 1 second. Additionally, Blitzcrank can activate this ability to remove nearby enemies' shields, damage them, and silence them briefly.

Blitzcrank SKINS

Blitzcrank default
Rusty Blitzcrank
Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Piltover Customs Blitzcrank
Definitely Not Blitzcrank
Riot Blitzcrank
Battle Boss Blitzcrank
Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank
Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank
Witch's Brew Blitzcrank

Blitzcrank Countered By (Under 50% win rate)

Rammus lane - poro

the Armordillo

Kha'Zix lane - poro

the Voidreaver

Dr. Mundo lane - poro

the Madman of Zaun

Varus lane - poro

the Arrow of Retribution

Nami lane - poro

the Tidecaller

Jhin lane - poro

the Virtuoso

Xin Zhao lane - poro

the Seneschal of Demacia

Ziggs lane - poro

the Hexplosives Expert

Leona lane - poro

the Radiant Dawn

Talon lane - poro

the Blade's Shadow

Kog'Maw lane - poro

the Mouth of the Abyss

Kayle lane - poro

the Righteous

Yorick lane - poro

Shepherd of Souls

Kennen lane - poro

the Heart of the Tempest

Rakan lane - poro

The Charmer

Riven lane - poro

the Exile

Malzahar lane - poro

the Prophet of the Void

Nasus lane - poro

the Curator of the Sands

Rumble lane - poro

the Mechanized Menace

Miss Fortune lane - poro

the Bounty Hunter

Skarner lane - poro

the Crystal Vanguard

Irelia lane - poro

the Blade Dancer

Fiddlesticks lane - poro

the Harbinger of Doom

Udyr lane - poro

the Spirit Walker

Aatrox lane - poro

the Darkin Blade

Jarvan IV lane - poro

the Exemplar of Demacia

Malphite lane - poro

Shard of the Monolith

Vi lane - poro

the Piltover Enforcer

Hecarim lane - poro

the Shadow of War

Zac lane - poro

the Secret Weapon

Warwick lane - poro

the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun

Ekko lane - poro

the Boy Who Shattered Time

Gragas lane - poro

the Rabble Rouser

Shyvana lane - poro

the Half-Dragon

Ivern lane - poro

the Green Father

Rek'Sai lane - poro

the Void Burrower

Brand lane - poro

the Burning Vengeance

Fiora lane - poro

the Grand Duelist

Sion lane - poro

The Undead Juggernaut

Vladimir lane - poro

the Crimson Reaper

Amumu lane - poro

the Sad Mummy

Sejuani lane - poro

Fury of the North

Heimerdinger lane - poro

the Revered Inventor

Shen lane - poro

the Eye of Twilight

Sylas lane - poro

the Unshackled

Kled lane - poro

the Cantankerous Cavalier

Urgot lane - poro

the Dreadnought

Neeko lane - poro

the Curious Chameleon

Kayn lane - poro

the Shadow Reaper

Qiyana lane - poro

Empress of the Elements

Darius lane - poro

the Hand of Noxus

Illaoi lane - poro

the Kraken Priestess

Cho'Gath lane - poro

the Terror of the Void

Shaco lane - poro

the Demon Jester

Nautilus lane - poro

the Titan of the Depths

Fizz lane - poro

the Tidal Trickster

Wukong lane - poro

the Monkey King

Zyra lane - poro

Rise of the Thorns

Trundle lane - poro

the Troll King

Taric lane - poro

the Shield of Valoran

Teemo lane - poro

the Swift Scout

Garen lane - poro

The Might of Demacia

Graves lane - poro

the Outlaw

Diana lane - poro

Scorn of the Moon

Renekton lane - poro

the Butcher of the Sands

Maokai lane - poro

the Twisted Treant

Galio lane - poro

the Colossus

Swain lane - poro

the Noxian Grand General

Ornn lane - poro

The Fire below the Mountain

Viktor lane - poro

the Machine Herald

Alistar lane - poro

the Minotaur

Mordekaiser lane - poro

the Iron Revenant

Volibear lane - poro

the Thunder's Roar

Singed lane - poro

the Mad Chemist

Karthus lane - poro

the Deathsinger

Lissandra lane - poro

the Ice Witch