[Tutorial] Vi Support, Recommended Items | Masteries | Runes | Summoner Spells | Ability - (Mode 5V5)

Champion Info (Vi support 5v5 )

Vi Vi Stats

Attack: 63

Defense: 5

Magic: 3

Difficulty: 4

Health: 655

Move Speed: 340

Armor: 30

Range: 125

Health Regen: 10

Critical Strike: 0

Attack Speed: 0.644


the Piltover Enforcer

Fighter Fighter Assassin Assassin

Vi 5v5 jungle
Vi 5v5 mid
Vi 5v5 top
Vi 5v5 adc
Vi 5v5 support


  • Tier: Off Meta
  • Win: 55.00%
  • Role: 1.17%
  • Pick: 0.07%
  • Ban: 1.38%
  • Games: 642
  • KDA: 1.84
  • Score: 57.18

Once a criminal from the mean streets of Zaun, Vi is a hotheaded, impulsive, and fearsome woman with only a very loose respect for authority figures. Growing up all but alone, Vi developed finely honed survival instincts as well as a wickedly abrasive sense of humor. Now working with the Wardens of Piltover to keep the peace, she wields mighty hextech gauntlets that can punch through walls and suspects with equal ease.

Vi Tips (Ally)

  • A fully charged Vault Breaker will deal double damage. It's great for catching and finishing off fleeing enemies.
  • Relentless Force does full damage to anyone caught in the shockwave. Use it on minions in lane to hit enemies hiding behind them.
  • Cease and Desist is a powerful initiation tool, just remember not to get too far ahead of the rest of your team.

Vi Tips (Enemy)

  • A fully charged Vault breaker deals double damage. If you see Vi start to charge you should back off or try to dodge it.
  • Vi will shred your Armor and gain Attack Speed if she manages to hit you three times in a row. Try not to engage in extended brawls with her.
  • Vi cannot be stopped while using her ult. Remember to save your displacement effects until after she's done charging.

Summoner Spells

Flash Flash

Consumable: 0

Cooldown: 300

Range: 425

Teleports your champion a short distance toward your cursor's location.

Ignite Ignite

Consumable: 0

Cooldown: 180

Range: 600

Ignites target enemy champion, dealing 70-410 true damage (depending on champion level) over 5 seconds, grants you vision of the target, and reduces healing effects on them for the duration.

Vi Masteries

Hail of Blades
Gain 110% Attack Speed when you attack an enemy champion for up to 3 attacks.

No more than 3s can elapse between attacks or this effect will end.

Cooldown: 12s.

Attack resets increase the attack limit by 1.
Allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit.
Sudden Impact
After exiting stealth or using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport, dealing any damage to a champion grants you 9 Lethality and 7 Magic Penetration for 5s.

Cooldown: 4s
Eyeball Collection
Collect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power, per eyeball collected.

Upon completing your collection at 10 eyeballs, additionally gain an adaptive bonus of 6 Attack Damage, or 10 Ability Power.

Collect 1 eyeball per champion takedown.
Relentless Hunter
Gain 5 Move Speed out of combat plus 8 per Bounty Hunter stack.

Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Takedowns restore 5% of your missing health, 2.5% of your max health, and grant an additional 20 gold.

'The most dangerous game brings the greatest glory.'
—Noxian Reckoner
Legend: Alacrity
Gain 3% attack speed plus an additional 1.5% for every Legend stack (max 10 stacks).

Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill.
Attack Speed
+10% Attack Speed
Adaptive Force
+9 Adaptive Force
Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Vi Starting Items (PROBUILD)

World Atlas World Atlas

BUY: 400

SELL: 160

Health Potion Health Potion

BUY: 50

SELL: 20

Active - Consume: Drink the potion to restore 120 Health over 15 seconds.

You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.
Stealth Ward Stealth Ward

BUY: 0


Active - Trinket: Places a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 2 Stealth Wards.

Vi Recommended Items (PROBUILD)

Plated Steelcaps Plated Steelcaps

BUY: 1100

SELL: 770

20 Armor
45 Move Speed

Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by 12%.
Umbral Glaive Umbral Glaive

BUY: 2600

SELL: 1820

50 Attack Damage
15 Lethality
15 Ability Haste

Reveal traps and disable Wards around you. Your Attacks do increased damage to Wards.
Eclipse Eclipse

BUY: 2800

SELL: 1960

70 Attack Damage
15 Ability Haste

Ever Rising Moon
Hitting a champion with 3 separate Attacks or Abilities within 2 seconds deals additional damage, and grants you a Shield.

Sundered Sky Sundered Sky

BUY: 3100

SELL: 2170

45 Attack Damage
450 Health
15 Ability Haste

Lightshield Strike
The first Attack against a champion Crits and heals.

Excess healing is granted as temporary bonus Health.
The Collector The Collector

BUY: 3100

SELL: 2170

55 Attack Damage
20% Critical Strike Chance
16 Lethality

Your damage executes champions that are below 5% Health.

Champion kills grant an additional 25 gold.
Bloodsong Bloodsong

BUY: 400

SELL: 160

5 Gold Per 10 Seconds
75% Base Health Regen
75% Base Mana Regen
200 Health

After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 150% base AD bonus physical damage on-hit and increases damage taken by the inflicted enemy champion for 6s.

Place an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision. Stores 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
Oracle Lens Oracle Lens

BUY: 0


Active - Trinket: Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards. Has 2 recharges.
Elixir of Wrath Elixir of Wrath

BUY: 500

SELL: 200

Active - Consume: Drink to gain 30 Attack Damage and 12% Physical Vamp (against champions) for 3 minutes.

Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

Vi Active Abilities

Blast Shield Blast Shield

Vi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.

Vault Breaker Vault Breaker

Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6

Consumable: 50/60/70/80/90

Range: 250

Vi charges her gauntlets and unleashes a vault shattering punch, carrying her forward. Enemies she hits are knocked back and receive a stack of Denting Blows.

Denting Blows Denting Blows

Cooldown: 0

Consumable: 0

Range: 750

Vi's punches break her opponent's Armor, dealing bonus damage and granting her Attack Speed.

Relentless Force Relentless Force

Cooldown: 1

Consumable: 26/32/38/44/50

Range: 400

Vi's next attack blasts through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind it.

Cease and Desist Cease and Desist

Cooldown: 140/115/90

Consumable: 100/125/150

Range: 800

Vi runs down an enemy, knocking aside anyone in the way. When she reaches her target she knocks it into the air, jumps after it, and slams it back into the ground.


Vi default
Neon Strike Vi
Officer Vi
Debonair Vi
Demon Vi
Warring Kingdoms Vi
Heartbreaker Vi
PsyOps Vi
Arcane Vi
Heartache Vi
Primal Ambush Vi

Vi Counters (Over 50% win rate)

Vi Countered By (Under 50% win rate)