[Tutorial] Teemo Support, Recommended Items | Masteries | Runes | Summoner Spells | Ability - (Mode 5V5)

Champion Info (Teemo support 5v5 )

Teemo Teemo Stats

Attack: 54

Defense: 3

Magic: 7

Difficulty: 6

Health: 598

Move Speed: 330

Armor: 24

Range: 500

Health Regen: 5.5

Critical Strike: 0

Attack Speed: 0.69


  • Tier: C
  • Win: 51.07%
  • Role: 15.72%
  • Pick: 0.82%
  • Ban: 9.02%
  • Games: 7895
  • KDA: 1.96
  • Score: 55.17

Undeterred by even the most dangerous and threatening of obstacles, Teemo scouts the world with boundless enthusiasm and a cheerful spirit. A yordle with an unwavering sense of morality, he takes pride in following the Bandle Scout's Code, sometimes with such eagerness that he is unaware of the broader consequences of his actions. Though some say the existence of the Scouts is questionable, one thing is for certain: Teemo's conviction is nothing to be trifled with.

Teemo Tips (Ally)

  • Teemo's mushrooms can be used to farm creep waves very effectively.
  • Place your mushrooms at key locations on the map, such as by the Dragon or Baron Nashor, to reveal when your enemies might be attempting to kill them.

Teemo Tips (Enemy)

  • Teemo's Toxic Shot punishes players who get hit and back out, so stay at a safe range until you're ready to commit.
  • It can be valuable to use Oracle's Lens(Trinket) to destroy mushrooms around key locations.

Summoner Spells

Flash Flash

Consumable: 0

Cooldown: 300

Range: 425

Teleports your champion a short distance toward your cursor's location.

Ignite Ignite

Consumable: 0

Cooldown: 180

Range: 600

Ignites target enemy champion, dealing 70-410 true damage (depending on champion level) over 5 seconds, grants you vision of the target, and reduces healing effects on them for the duration.

Teemo Masteries

Dark Harvest
Damaging a Champion below 50% health deals adaptive damage and harvests their soul, permanently increasing Dark Harvest's damage by 5.

Dark Harvest damage: 20-80 (based on level) (+5 damage per soul) (+0.1 bonus AD) (+0.05 AP)
Cooldown: 45s (resets to 1.5s on takedown)
Cheap Shot
Damaging champions with impaired movement or actions deals 10 - 45 bonus true damage (based on level).

Cooldown: 4s
Activates on damage occurring after the impairment.
Eyeball Collection
Collect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power, per eyeball collected.

Upon completing your collection at 10 eyeballs, additionally gain an adaptive bonus of 6 Attack Damage, or 10 Ability Power.

Collect 1 eyeball per champion takedown.
Ultimate Hunter
Your ultimate gains 6 Ability Haste, plus an additional 5 Ability Haste per Bounty Hunter stack.

Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Gathering Storm
Every 10 min gain AP or AD, adaptive.

10 min: + 8 AP or 5 AD
20 min: + 24 AP or 14 AD
30 min: + 48 AP or 29 AD
40 min: + 80 AP or 48 AD
50 min: + 120 AP or 72 AD
60 min: + 168 AP or 101 AD
Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
Level 5: +5 Ability Haste
Level 8: +5 Ability Haste
Level 11: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20%.
Adaptive Force
+9 Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force
+9 Adaptive Force
Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Teemo Starting Items (PROBUILD)

World Atlas World Atlas

BUY: 400

SELL: 160

Health Potion Health Potion

BUY: 50

SELL: 20

Active - Consume: Drink the potion to restore 120 Health over 15 seconds.

You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.
Stealth Ward Stealth Ward

BUY: 0


Active - Trinket: Places a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 2 Stealth Wards.

Teemo Recommended Items (PROBUILD)

Sorcerer's Shoes Sorcerer's Shoes

BUY: 1100

SELL: 770

18 Magic Penetration
45 Move Speed

Malignance Malignance

BUY: 2700

SELL: 1890

80 Ability Power
600 Mana
20 Ability Haste

Your Ultimate spells gain Ability Haste.

Damaging a champion with your Ultimate burns the ground beneath them, dealing damage and reducing their Magic Resist.
Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment

BUY: 3000

SELL: 2100

90 Ability Power
300 Health

Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn.

For each second in combat with enemy champions, gain increased damage.
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike Zaz'Zak's Realmspike

BUY: 400

SELL: 160

5 Gold Per 10 Seconds
75% Base Health Regen
75% Base Mana Regen
200 Health

Void Explosion
Dealing ability damage causes an explosion dealing magic damage and damage based on the targets max Health.

Place an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision. Stores 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
Morellonomicon Morellonomicon

BUY: 2200

SELL: 1540

90 Ability Power
15 Ability Haste

Grievous Wounds
Dealing magic damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.
Shadowflame Shadowflame

BUY: 3200

SELL: 2240

120 Ability Power
12 Magic Penetration

Magic damage and true damage critically strikes low Health enemies.
Oracle Lens Oracle Lens

BUY: 0


Active - Trinket: Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards. Has 2 recharges.
Elixir of Sorcery Elixir of Sorcery

BUY: 500

SELL: 200

Champion level 9 or greater required to purchase. Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.Active - Consume: Drink to gain 50 Ability Power and 15% Mana Regen for 3 minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus true damage (5s cooldown).

Teemo Active Abilities

Guerrilla Warfare Guerrilla Warfare

If Teemo stands still and takes no actions for a short duration, he becomes Invisible indefinitely. If he's in brush, Teemo can enter and maintain his Invisibility while moving. After leaving Invisibility, Teemo gains the Element of Surprise, increasing his Attack Speed for a few seconds.

Blinding Dart Blinding Dart

Cooldown: 7

Consumable: 70/75/80/85/90

Range: 680

Obscures an enemy's vision with a powerful venom, dealing damage to the target unit and blinding it for the duration.

Move Quick Move Quick

Cooldown: 14

Consumable: 40

Range: 20

Teemo scampers around, passively increasing his Move Speed until he is struck by an enemy champion or turret. Teemo can sprint to gain bonus Move Speed that isn't stopped by being struck for a short time.

Toxic Shot Toxic Shot

Cooldown: 0

Consumable: 0

Range: 680

Each of Teemo's attacks will poison the target, dealing damage on impact and each second after for 4 seconds.

Noxious Trap Noxious Trap

Cooldown: 0.25

Consumable: 75/55/35

Range: 600/750/900

Teemo throws an explosive poisonous trap using one of the mushrooms stored in his pack. If an enemy steps on the trap, it will release a poisonous cloud, slowing enemies and damaging them over time. If Teemo throws a mushroom onto another mushroom it will bounce, gaining additional range.


Teemo default
Happy Elf Teemo
Recon Teemo
Badger Teemo
Astronaut Teemo
Cottontail Teemo
Super Teemo
Panda Teemo
Omega Squad Teemo
Little Devil Teemo
Spirit Blossom Teemo
Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo
Firecracker Teemo
Space Groove Teemo

Teemo Counters (Over 50% win rate)

Teemo Countered By (Under 50% win rate)